Georgia STEM Day
Marketing | Content Strategy
Georgia STEM Day is an annual, statewide celebration of science, technology, engineering and math.
As Associate Director of Marketing and Communication at TAG Education Collaborative, we were challenged to create an awareness campaign that would engage 10,000 students in an activity involving science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
Inspired by educational holidays such as Pi Day (March 14), we decided to create a day for Georgia students and educators to celebrate all things STEM.
We selected May 3, 2013 as the first Georgia STEM Day, and gained support by partnering with local schools, education programs, universities, and tech businesses. In April, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal presented TAG-Ed with a proclamation declaring May 3, 2013 as Georgia STEM Day.
Educators and district leaders registered their participation online and provided details on their lesson and activity plan. We engaged nearly 300,000 students and educators in its first year - well above our initial goal of 10,000. Our team chose an elementary school to visit, where we helped third grade students create "chicken mummies."
Since its inception, Georgia STEM Day remains one of TAG-Ed's main initiatives. To date, the number of participants has grown to over 1,000,000 students, 77 school districts, and 35 local partners, including Zoo Atlanta, Georgia Aquarium, and Atlanta Braves.
My responsibilities included:
Original Concept
Logo design and branding
Marketing materials and web content
Marketing video concept
Writing press releases
Georgia STEM Day branding
Promotional video for the inaugural Georgia STEM Day.
The TAG-Ed staff and some of our star students with former Georgia governor Nathan Deal.